Welcome to our crazy life!
For years friends and family have told me to write a book about some of the wild, funny, challenging and (at times) unbelieveable events in my family's life. I decided a blog would be a good way to get my feet wet...so here goes! I was NOT an English major so don't critique.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
We went to meet the teacher night/ open house/ back to school night/ whatever it is...every school calls it something different. Anyway, I will have to say I'm really ready for school to start this year. Yes, I am a stay at home mom who devotes every single breath I take to my darling children - but mama needs some structure back in her life - not to mention 1 day of quiet:) Since March, Stella has been sick and at home so all normalcy and routines went out the window. I crave structure and (don't tell them this - so do kids). I am looking forward to a very quiet, normal, boring school year. YEA right, but one that is not filled with surgery after surgery would be a nice change. The kids are even ready to get back to school becuase they have missed their friends. I don't know how Sam has missed anyone since most of his friends live at our house. Hank said he wants to spend more time going over math homework this year with Sam and Shelby. They cried tears of joy when they heard this news...they are so grateful for a dad who cares about academics - ooooohhhh what lucky kids! I have a loooooonnnnnggggg list of stuff I plan to do...a lot of it will be house projects. Maybe I should start by cleaning out my purse. Earlier this evening I found a 2 day old breakfast burrito in there.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Do you see the irony in this photo? The below photos are of me removing Jack's stitches which were in there because of a pocket knife...
Monday, August 8, 2011
Sunday, August 7, 2011
I bet they will all be gone before winter even gets here. My plan was to store them for winter. Gardening, picking, cleaning, canning is a lot of work...but oh how we love the way it tastes. It's like eating really fresh seafood (or so I have heard because I don't eat seafood). There is just no comparison.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
My nephews Jack and Whit are here for a week and things just got a little crazier in our house. With the heat and 1 nephew who has stitches in his hand (so he can't swim, play in the mud, etc.) they all have cabin fever and I think my biggest challenge this week will be to keep the wrestle mania to a minimum...hmmmm??
Thursday, August 4, 2011
As we were taking off and I looked out over Ohio, the emotions of the past 4 months flooded out. I had a good cry - just letting the stress of it all out. I was hoping that would be the last time I ever saw Ohio. If we go back it means Stella is sick again. Time to move forward and get ready for 1st grade:)
Our last day:( This is the most fun and cleanest outdoor water park I have ever been to. I know I said that about Cosi too. I guess Ohio has some good stuff! Who knew? We were there 30 minutes before it opened and closed the place down at 8:00 p.m.! We had a blast. We enjoyed temps in the upper 80's all day while it was 110 here. Perfect weather and was not very crowded bc it was a Tuesday.
Now for the real reason we were in Ohio.
GREAT NEWS - Stella is officially over her pseudo tumor cerebri! Her neurosurgeon declared victory over it which means she is one of the lucky ones to beat it. She didn't even have to have another spinal tap. The risks of putting her under again to do one were not worth is since she is doing so good. Sometimes they like to find out what a baseline normal is so if pressure builds back up they know exactly how much. Many people are stuck with this condition for a lifetime. They did extensive vision tests and her color vision is fine, some peripheral loss and her central vision is 20/25. She does not need glasses at this point...she is border line for needing them. This is the only lasting effect of having the fluid on her brain. Her neurosurgen wants to track her forever becuase he is building a database of children all over the world who have this condition. Currently there are only 300 in it. He wants to identify criteria for children who have transient pseudotumor vs. kids who have the lifelong kind. He is passionate about his work and will be speaking at the National Conference of Neurologists about this in September.
I can't tell you how happy we are to get such good news. It's been a long 4 months.
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