Welcome to our crazy life!

For years friends and family have told me to write a book about some of the wild, funny, challenging and (at times) unbelieveable events in my family's life. I decided a blog would be a good way to get my feet wet...so here goes! I was NOT an English major so don't critique.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

After we moved to Bristow there was a newspaper headline that read: Bristow Medical Center finally operating in the black.

I can tell you it was because the Hubler's moved to town.
Here is a list of our trips to the E.R. in the past 2 1/2 years: (not in order)

1. Shelby's arm - not broken - deep tissue bruising - fell off of monkey bars at school.
2. Stella bit in head and face by our dog. Dog had to be put down and tested for rabies.
3. Sam - flu- couldn't breathe...got oxygen saturation checked - has severe asthma.
4. Hank - ear infection - not just any ordinary ear infection. Had a large greenish mass on the side of his head next to his ear and was very sick because he put it off so long. Oh - on Stella's birthday of course.
5. Shelby - ankle - not broken? - thrown off of horse day after Darrell's funeral.
6. Sam - ankle - not broken - Thanksgiving Day
7. Stella - allergic reaction to kiwi - had to be monitored to make sure reaction did not come back after epi. wore off.
8. Shelby - stabbed in forehead by pocket knife (Sam's knife in Sam's hand and he lived to tell about it barely) - dermabond to forehead. I like old fashioned stitches better myself.

I will include some pictures of our injuries. I love to take pictures of stuff like that and I know people love to see stuff like that. The kids always want to go back later and look at their battle wounds!

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