Just yesterday I was about to go out and take a picture of our overflowing, commercial size, metal dumpster, when the trash truck drove up - WOO HOO! With the bad weather trash pick-up has been delayed and boy did we have some trash! After being snowed in for 2 weeks and cooking 3 x daily for up to 8 people - we had some serious waste. Which reminded me of Christmas 2006 (see above photo). I went out and took a picture that night becuase we had sooooo much more trash on our curb than anyone else. Notice 3 dumpsters full, PLUS all the other trash. We laughed so hard that night. You have to understand south Tulsa neighborhoods...you would get mean letters in your mailbox if you didn't mow your grass every 4 days. We had a next door neighbor named Mr. Wilson - yes really - and when Sam the menace moved in we had a few meetings with Mr. Wilson. One day I walked out and Mr. and Mrs. Wilson were vacuuming the acorns off of their lawn, with a shop-vac, like it was totally normal. During the time we lived there, Sam had to offer up several apologies to Mr. Wilson for his boyish deeds! By the time we moved Mr. Wilson really liked us and told us we were some of the best neighbors he had ever had. He tried to screen prosepective buyers for our house(others who would vacuum their lawns).
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