This rash (that covered her entire body) is what eventually led us to the E.R. last night. You have to know Stella's medical history. She's anaphylactic and we take every rash/hives seriously. They thought this was viral and spreading because her fever was so high. They got her temp. down to 102 and sent us home.
Right before we left for the hospital she said "this day is not the way I planned it!"
I said "amen sister."

My arsenal of meds. to make Stella feel better. She disagrees!

SICK BAY:( Another round of illness has struck the Hubler household. Why does mom have to get sick when the kids are sooo sick??? Tuesday night was one of the hardest nights I've had with a child in a long time. I was sick with fever while Stella cried all night from various ailments, fever, nausea, ear pain, etc.
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