Welcome to our crazy life!

For years friends and family have told me to write a book about some of the wild, funny, challenging and (at times) unbelieveable events in my family's life. I decided a blog would be a good way to get my feet wet...so here goes! I was NOT an English major so don't critique.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

I'm back after a very long break.  I switched to Facebook for awhile, but for various reasons decided I like my blog better.  I think when my kids are older they will appreciate this much more becuase it is a record of our lives that I can save.  Who knows if facebook will be around then...doubtful looking at their stock. Since I am now teaching 4th grade full time I need to be careful about using social media, especially in a small town.   I do love to read your comments so I know you have been here!    I am beginning with our summer vacation to Colorado as this picuture nicely shows (I took this from the car window - wow).  We returned home around 2:00 a.m. this morning.  


  1. Glad your back....safely home and on your blog!!! Enjoyed the pictures!!....and so happy to hear you are permanently part of the Collin's family!!!!!

    1. You know I'm doing this just for you...right? LOL
