You city folk think you have spiders....look at the size of this bad boy! There were hundreds of spiders in my garage. Part of the reason we have so many critters in there is because we leave the side door open so it will stay cooler. No more! This guy doesn't scare me, it's the millions of brown recluses we have here. I know I picked some up today with my bare hands becuase I was in a fit of cleaning rage and skipped the gloves...haha. If Hank's clients are reading this listen up... Our garage also doubles as storage for spare computer parts. Which means that Hank may install a comptuer part into your machine that has a brown recluse in it - BEWARE!!! Hank will love it that I said that:) Spiders bother me becuase they are small and sneaky - don't trust em'. In our pool I find scorpions, snakes, tarantulas, and moles on a regular basis - but that stuff doesn't bother me too much.
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