Welcome to our crazy life!

For years friends and family have told me to write a book about some of the wild, funny, challenging and (at times) unbelieveable events in my family's life. I decided a blog would be a good way to get my feet wet...so here goes! I was NOT an English major so don't critique.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

And I call myself a clean freak...shame on me for letting my garage get this bad!  This morning after I hugged and kissed my girls goodbye (they went to spend a few days with their grandma Wanda at the ranch) I "attemped" to walk through the garage and open the refridgerator door.  Because of the massive pile of dirty boots, cases of water, frog gigs, BB guns, computer parts, bikes, DDT (maybe not that, but a huge tub of toxic chemicals (in above picture in the blue tub) that Hank got from his dad's barn) I said ENOUGH!!!  I went to work cleaning the garage out.  Mario helped me.  There is a dead mouse in that picture with him.  Why would I post these embarrasing pictures?  In hopes that my family will look at this and appreciate my hard work...doubtful:(  

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