After a rough night of headache and vomiting...which was very disapointing becuase we thought we were up the upside. Doctors came in Monday morning and recomended a "theraputic" spinal tap to relieve pressure in brain. We consented and she was given more anesthesia at 3:00 p.m. Opening pressure was 34 and they brought it down to 18. She was a new child (except her back really hurt) and was up and eating within 1 hour. This is her celebratory meal. May get to go home next day if no headache. ENT visits and tells us infection is strep from what they can tell. May not have gotten a great culture since she was on so many antibiotics prior to surgery, but stops iv antibiotics and keeps her on one oral. Stop iv fluids and start pushing fluids.
Oh Hank and Michelle- this picture is heartbreaking. She is the cutest and bravest thing. Our prayers are with you. I'm so sorry you're going through this!